Getting To Know The Bees! Clementine Rocheron
29 September 2022

Tell us about where you live and work?
I recently moved to Nantes, France. I used to work in two different extreme environments. I worked with people in Shanghai surrounded by the Yang energy of the city, as well as in the south of France, working alone surrounded by the Yin energy of nature and countryside. Now I am searching for a balanced life. I am currently in a coworking team having my own office desk with different partners for work.
What inspired you to be an illustrator?
The desire to be creative was the main element that inspired me to become an illustrator, a fire of passion and creation was burning inside me, I just felt it was my way to express it. Creating a world of colours, shapes, I didn't reflect about it, I just felt it, it was an urgent need to express my creativity as I had to express my personality and express what I had inside of me I couldn't show to people in my life.
How do you get inspired to produce a piece of artwork?
I found a lot of inspiration on nature, pinterest and from libraries I visit.
If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor and why?
I would pick Alexandra Villaroel Abrego as an inspirational mentor for the spiritual and business side. About the creative process and the way to show it to the world, I would pick the illustrator Furry Little Peach.
Which historical figure would you like to be?
I would love to be Marianne from the French revolution because this is the symbol of freedom, equality and fraternity.